Monday, September 19, 2011

Master of Emotions

I’ve been followed lately by this idea that feelings have no place in my life. Feelings. Such fickle little things. Happy. Sad. Bored. Excited. Discouraged. Depressed. Inspired. Rejected. How many days have I allowed to be determined by them?

“There is no word for feelings or mood in the Hebrew language.” I listen to Rabbi Daniel Lapin instruct me as I drive to work. I consider it, play it back, and listen again. “There is no word for feelings or mood in the Hebrew language.”

Hebrew. God’s language. That’s how much stock God put in human feelings. He didn’t even create a word for it. What does that mean exactly? God doesn’t even give lip service to my feelings…the very things I so often let dictate life around me. Hmmm…I grab my bag and run up the stairs, putting the thought on my mental shelf.

I run into Mardel’s…meeting a friend to shop for Bunko prizes…and I get no further than through the door. “Babies!” I exclaim. The display at the front of the store almost takes my breath away. Joyce Meyer’s new book: Living beyond Your Feelings. I’m a little weirded out. I walk by, hesitantly, twisting my head to read as I pass. I don’t pick it up. I don’t have to. “There is no word for feelings or mood in the Hebrew language.” I take the thought off my shelf. No word for feelings. Live beyond your feelings. Is it possible? I see my friend, and the thought goes back on the shelf for later consideration.

I can’t sleep. The minutes tick by: 3:33…3:56…4:18. I pick up my phone, check out Facebook. A poem on a friend’s wall:
If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labor
Today, I will be the master of my emotions.
I put my phone down. “There is no word for feelings or mood in the Hebrew language.” I think about it…consider it. Today, I will be the master of my emotions. God has no word for feelings. My feelings. I give so much energy to them. I devote so much time to them. And God considers them so insignificant, he didn’t even make a word to talk about the subject.
I think about books I’ve read, snippets seen. Love is a choice. It’s not a feeling. It’s a deliberate, everyday, giving of self…choosing to give of self. Joy is a choice. It’s a decision…to find God in everything…in the big, in the small, in the exciting, in the mundane. Thanksgiving is a choice. To be thankful. I have breath. I am alive to experience…whatever that experience may be.
And I begin to see…a faint hint of understanding. “There is no word for feelings or mood in the Hebrew language.” Our day is our choice. My day is my choice. And today, I will be the master of my emotions.

21. Revelation
22. BabyWise
23. Birthdays
24. Good friends on a warm summer’s night
25. Thanksgiving plans
26. Role models
27. Former students
28. Current students
29. Cake
30. Music
31. Oliver
32. Growing Kids God’s Way
33. Chance meetings
34. Fellow twin parents
35. Opportunities to encourage
36. Opportunities to be encouraged
37. 1000 Gifts
38. Good sleepers
39. Good eaters
40. A reliable baby sitter


  1. Once again you hit it on the head! I blogged about anger this morning. I SO need to gain control of my emotions!!!! So thankful for you and your wisdom. :)

  2. So true! I've struggled with depression on and off over the years and it really is a matter of choosing joy. Enjoyed visiting today. Thanks!

  3. This is so true. We often give place to something God is not the author of. He does want us to experience joy, but joy based on Him and His Word which never changes, not joy based on our circumstances which always change.

  4. Baby Wise changed our lives! In fact, our son still lives life better on a schedule. He's very comfortable with one.
    What a great list, Jace.
    Have a wonderful afternoon...
