5-Minute Friday time! ... where you just write for five minutes without worrying whether it's just right or not. I'm linking up with the Gypsy Mama for today's topic: Friends
“I told her that she was so blessed to have friends like that,” she said to me speaking of her daughter…my sister…even though family is messy sometimes. Friends who visit…who cook, clean, comfort…friends to walk with her through the darkest hours of her life.
I reflect on my life…of my friends. They take on many shapes…many definitions…fill many roles. I’ve always thought myself one of few friends, and I kind’ve like it that way. Friendships take work. They take time and codling…things I really don’t have to give right now.
But then there are the friendships that don’t.
The friendships that span decades even when the meetings grow months and months apart. The friendships that only require a simple text: “Please pray…” The friendships—sisterhoods, really—that took years to discover yet mere moments…giggles…a few tears perhaps…to bind.